You're waking up most days and before your feet even hit the floor, you've thought of 934,628,749 things you need to get done. Last night's dishes may be still sitting in the sink, and let's not even get started on the pile of laundry that has been chilling for weeks on the chair in the corner of your bedroom.
You go back and forth between feeling like you're in control and feeling like you'll never get things right. On your worst days, you find yourself snapping at people you love, or wishing you could just leave and not come back for a few days. Or ever?
Unfortunately, you feel like everyone needs you (at home, at work, in the community... everywhere), and no one seems to be able to manage everything in quite the way you can.
At the end of the day, you've accomplished a lot, but you kinda feel like you're one more hard, unrelenting day away from some sort of breakdown.
Something’s gotta give, but nothing can. Spinning all of these plates is starting to feel like way too much to handle. You're beginning to feel like there isn't room for you in your own life, because all the space is taken up by the people and things you're responsible for.
You need a plan to get your life under control. You need strategies for how to take a much needed (and well-deserved!) break.
You need to be you again. And I can help you get there.
Say hello to a life you love living.
A life where things feel balanced and manageable. A life where it's ok to put yourself first every now and then, and the world won't implode.
A life where we channel that determination and drive you've been pouring into taking care of everyone and everything around you, and make it work for you, not against you.
I know - it feels like a nearly impossible change to make. You've been living this way for a long time. Finding balance may mean identifying ways to lighten your load and delegate responsibilities. That can feel uncomfortable, but I promise it's worth it. (Scratch that, you're worth it.)
Building a life worth living will mean developing new coping skills so that you can stay calm and in-the-moment when faced with challenging situations and people. Also, it doesn’t hurt to have an outlet to vent your feelings and frustrations to. That’s where I come in!
Therapy can help you get clear on your priorities and values, learn concrete skills to increase self-care, and set effective boundaries to create a well-balanced and enjoyable life.
Together, we will get you out of the “rat race” of life, and into a life full of meaning and joy.