It doesn't seem to matter what the "problem" is - your brain latches on to it and won't let go.
You find yourself mentally playing and replaying stuff that happened in the past, and you often spend significant time and energy rehearsing what you'll say or do when encountered with a challenging situation in the future.
Your head is constantly overtaken by “what if’s,” and you’ve likely thought of plan A, B, C, D, and probably even E, F, and G. You feel like you are tormented with worries at every hour of every day.
It feels impossible to make decisions, because what happens if you don’t make the “right” choice?
Carrying this stress and constant worrying is exhausting. You’re always wondering when the other shoe is going to drop. You can’t escape feeling overwhelmed, even in your sleep, because your mind is always racing.
You're probably here because you're starting to feel run down and wish you could find the "off button" for your brain.
Learn to embrace the unknown with confidence.
Anxiety is a normal and useful human emotion when we are faced with real danger. It was especially useful hundreds of years ago when our greatest threat was being chased down by a lion.
Today, while we may have fewer immediate threats, the experience of anxiety from work deadlines, relationships, or life changes can feel very similar to being chased by a predator.
It might not feel possible now, but you can take your life back from the chains of overwhelm and worry. Even better, it is possible to find ways of making anxiety work for you, rather than it hijacking your life.
It's time for some boundaries around your thoughts, and some real strategies for dealing with the daily stressors you face.
That’s where therapy for anxiety comes in. We'll dedicate our time to equipping you with the skills you need in order to quiet your mind and make difficult decisions - without regret.